I love this anime. Actually it's made up of two series that are separate and yet connected. I'll explain. You have Zettai Seigi Love Pheromone and of course Sore Yuke! Gedo Otome Tai. The usual idea is half the episode is taken up by one series while the other half is taken by the other series. The opening varies depending on which series is shown first. The concept of two series in one is actually an interesting idea. It allows the viewer to see two sides of the story as opposed to one. Obviously being two series in one, they cross over in a sense multiple times. However let's get to each series using just the names Otome Tai and Love Pheromone for short.
Love Pheromone is about Aimi and Kaoroku trying to use their position as allies of justice to become popular. The only problem is the two are prone to anger and cause a bit too much destruction. Which obviously paints them in a very bad light. I personally love Aimi the most out of the two. She's a lot of fun and well I'm partial to her hair and body. Even if she's not as well endowed.
Otome Tai is about five girls who want to be evil as a promise to their father. They eventually get the ability to use magical powers. The problem is they aren't very evil. Ie they are too good for their own good or well in this case too good for their own evil. Personally I like this series slightly more, but probably because of more main females. If I had to pick a favorite. Perhaps Maika or Yoku, but I do like the other girls as well.
I've seen up to 12 episodes and so far so good. If episode 13 which I've heard is the final episode ends decently then this will have been a series truly worth watching. I especially love what happened in 12, but I'm not saying anymore than that.
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