Grandia, La Pucelle Tactics and Backlogs of EVIL
After putting the game off for years literally I finally finished Grandia. Yeah it's silly, but work with me here. Over all the game was decent. Not great mind you but decent. The battle system was rather nice. I also liked the cast of characters. I just wish the game was less "linear" and there was more Sue in the game. Okay more Sue and Leite. Since those two were my favorite in the game. I'll decide who I like better later.
Also I've started on La Pucelle Tactics. What can I say? I've wanted to play that game for awhile. What can I say? I sort of liked Rhapsody. Disgaea was nice. I also liked Phantom Brave. So go figure I'd want to try La Pucelle Tactics. So far I like the game, but like Disgaea and Phantom Brave it will probably have a lot of focus on stats which can get tedious. Although in the end it's all about Prier. She's awesome. Nothing like hearing her say "Repent", "You suck", "Confess", and etc.
Either way I definitely have a decent size back log of games to complete and/or ultimately decide to never finish. Thousand Arms, Suikoden, Grandia 2, Romancing SaGa (5 Quests Left), Lunar 1, Lunar 2, Evolution 2, Wild Arms, Wild Arms 3, Dragon Quest 8, Xenogears, Xenosaga 2 and a bunch of other stuff. Problem is motivating myself to play certain games and I reply some stuff too much. Heh the back log is only going to get larger.
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