Well this has definitely become one of my favorite series of 2005. Now don't get me wrong. It's not flawless. For one thing it should have been 26 episodes. It's definitely hurt by the 13 episode format. If the series had been 26 episodes, it would have felt less rushed in some areas. Plus they could have focused a bit more on the back story. Finally Lucky 3 wouldn't have been a one shot deal. Or maybe they still would have been.
Okay flaws aside, I love the series. It's rather fun to watch. Plus it in some ways it felt like a nice change of pace. From the fact the harem is already established to the fact the main female is not the one kicking ass and taking names. I also happen to like the over all cast. My favorite character in terms of the seven members of Happy 7 is of course Kiku Sarasugawa. In terms of Lucky 3 it's Mimi Masuko. Simple as that.
Now then I just need to wait and hope the series gets licensed by someone with a heart. If it does get licensed it will be extremely high in my priority list. In some ways I think this series was made for me. I'm definitely glad that I was motivated to watch it.
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