Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Moments I Remember A Show For Are Not As Common As I like To Believe

So I've been rewatching scenes from stuff I watched years ago and I've come to realize that I often trick myself into thinking the "rare epic moments" were more common in a show than they actually were.  That by only rewatching the "stronger" moments, as a way of telling myself the weaker moments, the down time was not as present as it was. I keep lying to myself in a sense.

I'd like to believe episodes like the 1st Christmas Special, Time Capsule, Lost City of Yore etc were the common episodes of the Srmurfs.   I want to believe  War Down is the common episode of Transformers. I want to feel most of Thundercats was close calls with Mumm-ra. So on and so forth.

Yet all of the series had more "downtime" episodes than I'd like to believe. The generic and silly episodes that don't really amount to anything epic are the norm. I think part of the issue is I want the pay off without the "work" involved in it. I want to skip to the victories, to the moments. I want to see the Giga slave being used, I don't need to see the set up before hand.

Now to be fair, no one should be requireed to fully rewatch a series just to see select scenes. However I think tricking myself into thinking those select scenes are the whole series is a definite problem. Heck it can be a bigger problem in some cases.

Sometimes scenes in a show can be an exception. Ie a character can be mostly none-violent through a series. They might only fight five times in a series (and only with no other choice) with one hundred episodes or more. If I were to only rewatch those fights and remember the show for those fights, am I doing the show  a disservice? Like I'm saying "Screw all that development, I only care some due punching another"

Still to be fair, sometimes the rarer moments are more memorable because they're rare and thus why we pay more attention to them. We might get to see a fight that doesn't usually happen. We hear dialog we wouldn't in standard episode. Essentially something that calls for our attention.

I doubt I will stop being selective in terms of what scenes/episodes of shows I rewatch. However some of my more recent rewatching beings have made me come to realize the issues caused with it. Feel free to judge me on my viewing habits and the diservice I might have done to some series.


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