Etrian Odyssey 5 (1st Stratum Party)
So awhile ago now, I downloaed the demo for Etrian 5 to my 3DS OG and 3DS XL.I found myself uncertain about what party I wanted to use and had the usual conflict of wanting too many characters. I however then realized some people like to make up stories for their party and then figured this could work for me. I'd just change my party at each stratum and make up a story line reason for why the party changed. Thus the following ended up being my party used during the first stratum of the game.
Annie is the protagonist. I made her a Fencer because it felt right. Plus in previous games I've had a Knight named Annie. She's the one who started the guild and is motivated by a desire to experience things rather than just hear about them. The alternate color outfit caught my eye so I went for it.

Sarah is one of the childhood friends of Annie. She has a more fun loving nature and is extremely confident. She's pretty good for someone who is self trained, but that also means she has the cons of such a person. I chose a Pugilist because I felt for a first stratum party, a good front line would work.
The other childhood friend. Kurumi is actually the one that taught Annie how to fight and told her stories of trips she had with her parents. She's the main reason, Annie wanted to see things for herself. I chose a Masurao to have another strong front line fighter. Plus I can imagine the 3 sharing thesame line.
Yumi gets to be a Dragoon and play the role of a guardian for one on a journey. She's not very good at being a dragoon, but she's dedicated to her job. I chose the base portrait for Earthian because I want to symbolize someone not experienced at her job. Plus the Dragoon Portraits aren't that appealing to me. Also I think she looks cuter this way. Yeah, not really a good reason, I know.
Becky is a Shaman, but I like to pretend she is a Miko. with a Goddess to serve. Maybe it's all the use of the word prayer in the skill set. Feeling they can benefit from some help, Becky agrees to join Annie's guild. They just all need to agree that Becky and Yumi can stay in the back row.
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