Saturday, January 20, 2018

The WInter 2018 Anime Watch List Part 2 (The Best Of Them)

The following Five Series are pretty much the favorite five of the season and they are mostly ranked. Ie 5,. 4, 3, and to a lesser extent 2 could probably switch places.  However unless things drastically change, my number 1 series is a lock this season and some of you already know it. However let's go ahead and reveal the important five aka the best. 

Mitsubushi Colors (2 Episodes)

The main selling point for me aside from liking cute girls in general is Kotoha. She has a 3DS, she's evil, she has blue hair, and she's divine. Evil can be divine too.  Yui (Timid Miu0 and Sacchan are both good as well, but  neither can hold a candle to our Queen err best girl Kotoha. So for cute girls and especially for Kotoha this will be one of the highlights of the week for me.

Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san (3 Episodes)

Episode  2 and 3 saved this show for me. For which I'm thankful because a show combining blond girls and ramen (a higher level food for me) is something that I'd rather not have to pass on. The show seems to have found its balance between ramen worship, cute girl worship and character interaction. Here's hoping it can keep it up and the rest of the series will be closer to episode 2 and 3.

Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho (3 Episodes)

I love this series for several reason. It makes good use of drama. The character interaction is great. However most of all the way it started was refreshing. Too often the big decision feels too forced, in that it doesn't feel like a choice. This time around, they made sure it felt like a choice. Thus our main character is not robbed of her agency. So her interaction with the protagonist is made even better because of it.

There is some worry. After all, it can be hard to keep it up for 12+ episodes. Also there is the concern of whether the destination will be satisfying. However for now it's an amazing journey. One worth being a part of it. From a distance of course.

Yuru Camp (3 Episodes)

This series is living up to its name quite literally. The relaxing nature of it is good. Also good is the developing relationship between Nadeshiko and Rin. Some of the moments they had need the end of episode 3 were quite special to me. In a sense, they're one of my favorite potential pairs of the season. Oh and the show gets automatic bonus points just because it reminded me of  another series in episode 3. No prizes for guessing what show that was. Crossover, please?

I do look forward to hipefully the group in general coming together, but my main motivation will be Rin and Nadeshiko.  Only downside to a show like is that it sometimes not much happens so it can be hard to find stuff to say. Still worth watching regardless.

Slow Start (3 Episodes)

By far my favorite series of the season. Helped in part by the premise, the interaction between the main girls, and most importantly Tama being Tama. She's pretty much enchanted me with her tama like powers. Also shipping her with Hana leaves me wih positive feelings. So for that reason alone I must with great bias choose this as the series for me. If I had any worry about it?

Well, I do worry they might be too slow to confront some issues and even when they finally start to do so, they could end up handling it in a lack lsuter way. Hopefully that won't be the case. For now I am going to have a lot of fun watching the show and hoping for as much Hana/Tama fuel as possible.


So there you have it, the five most important anime of Winter for me. Better than the rest and definitely better than those shows I put on hold because too much to watch and shows I dropped because they were terrible or at best only passable. I would say Winter is off to a good start for me.


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