Thursday, March 29, 2018

Winter 2018 Wrap Up Part 1

Rather than wait for everything I'm watching to finish airing and have to make one huge entry, I'm going to talk about some of the shows I've finished now and break this into at least 3 entries, possibly more. For this entry we are going to start with series that definitely won't be making my top 5 in any shape or form. 

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 

Over all I enjoyed this series, but there were times I started to think the "main joke" had run its course. Let's just say that if this series ever gets a second season, it badly needs to mix things up more. Aka, I want the spin-off time skipp manga animated. Still Takagi is amazing so I don't regret finishing this. It's still better than some other shows I've tried.

Maerchen Madchen

I could have gone with an image of the protagonist or main, but I think this perfectly describes how I feel on the series. Don't get me wrong, I like aspects of the series, but between the real life production issues and some of the episode pacing it feels like a case of just missing the mark. Yes, there is still two more episodes, but their uncertain future doesn't exactly help matters. I didn't want to feel disappointed and conflicted by this show, but I can't deny that I do.

Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san

Sorry, just thinking how better this series woud have been if Misa had been the lead. Yeah, the show was fun at first and still had some ok moments. However both Yuu and Koizumi were problematic just for different reasons. Also I've realized as I get older some character types grow less and less fun. Not that they were fun in the first place. I will admit I've tried far worse than this, but this is probably near the bottom of shows I've finished where it's a fair comparison.

Kaijuu Girls S2

If nothing else this series had guts, in fact it had Alien Guts, both of them even. She was pretty much the main focus for S2 if you ask me.  As before you can only get so much out of a 3-5 minute per episode series. However for what we do get, it was fine. Yeah, I thought I could drop this, but apparently I can't. S2 definitely expanded on things with more characters. It would probably be hyperbole to say that Kaijuu Girls S2 is better than the other three shows mentioned in this blog entry, but it's tempting. Can I at least put it above the Ramen Anime? Not that I'm good at exact rankings. Next entry will come later.


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