Well in any case one of the cartoons I've been watching is Danny Phantom. It's actually pretty nice all things considered. I do like the way Danny handles himself sometimes and some of the ghosts can be rather silly. As for the whole Danny and Sam couple thing. I'm in support of the two getting together. I know many complain that would ruin the entire series, but I say what's wrong with a show moving foward and taking a risk? Why do series have to stay stuck in a rut in order to work?
Besides if you ask me the two are extremely close to being a couple without being one. Also if it follows the formula of most series, they probably won't get together until the series ends anyway. Meaning nothing is going to get ruined due to a lack of episodes to ruin it. At least that's my guess anyway.
In any case Memory Blank was one of the better episodes. It finally confirmed how Danny got his powers completely. Among other such things.