Sunday, February 24, 2019

Winter 2019 Anime Update

We're 2/3s into the Winter 2019 season and I have 17 series on my plate. So let's try and rank them. Which hard to do because I kept questioning what ranking each show should be in. There is some fluctation between shows in the same rank, but this is close enough. We start with a show that's sadly fallen a bit and end with a show that remains strong. No, I am not sorry for the rank titles.

Boss Rank

Egao No Daika (1-8)  

I'm starting to lose patience with this series. Yes, it's my fault for letting the OP/ED get my hopes up. However it still feels frustrating to have those hopes crushed by the realization that the two will never meet. Yes, even if you show evidence in a future episode of them meeting, at this point I'll just assume the footage is doctored.  It's not just that, while there has been a bit of progress, the series feels like it's going through the motions. Yuki feels like a character trying to step forward while purposely chaining her leg to a wall.  The chain limits your distance and pulls you back.

W'z (1-8)   
In some aspects this is better than Handshakers, ok several. Still just like with "Egao no Daika" it suffers from having a plot point it's dedicated to delaying as long as possible. Although with this show there's a slight bit more hope in it happening. Regardless it doesn't change the fact I'm getting a bit annoyed at the one step forward, four steps back game with Haruka...

A Certain Magical Index S3 (1-20) 

Sadly, both the long wait and the series dedication to "set up" has lowered my opinion over time. Not to mention like many LNs, the story on occasion has issues. Even so perhaps because of how much time I've invested in this series, I still enjoy aspects of it. Mainly the magic aspect. Well, so long as they're not "explaining magic". When this show tries to explain magic, it sounds more like a character trying to explain away their cheating in a sports game through the use of long winded BS to confuse everyone.

Virtual-San Is Watching (1-7) 
It has a lot of miss segments, some of the running gags are meh. However something about this compels me to keep watching. The design of some of the characters for one. Some of the segments can be fun. The segments that aren't, they're easy to skip past. Plus this show triggers my curiosity. Fine, a lot of it boils down to bad taste. Happy? Regardless, I'm going to keep watching for now. 

Hulaing Babies (1-5) 

The series definitely has fun with its visuals and it's rather amusing too. Sadly there is only so much you can do with five minutes an episode. Plus while some of the visuals has been a treat, others are a bit questionable. Still this might be my favorite of the shows in this category. And if you have to ask. Yes, Shiina is best girl.

Major Boss Rank 

Reincarnated As A Slime (1-20)

Milim is such a lovely demon lord, perhaps the second best this season. her introduction has made this show even better than it already was. Before anyone starts, I was watching the show off and on even before she appeared. However I will admit her introduction would have convinced me to watch. In any case, this is over all an itneresting series. That's not say there are no issues, but it has enough going for it that I'm glad to be watching it.

Mini Toji (0-7) 

This will tide me over until a season 2 proper airs. It's definitely been fun watching the girls in chibi form. I also love how they basically make aspects of the series very clear through the comedy. Still there's one aspect of the series that fills me with both joy and sadness. Hint, they're flashback related. Every time they show those scenes, I want to cry. Wow, a three a minute short can do that. If you enjoyed the main series watch this. If you haven't watch the main series then watch it and this too. Toji no Miko and Mini Toji are good for your anime health., filled with Katanas and Vitamins.

Kiratto Pri-Chan (1-44) 

The fourth cour is off to a good start. We have the Mel & Sarah episode, but also the episode with Rinka's mother. On top of that I'm enjoyng Aira's ever increasing role in this series. She's a classic character for me and responsible for my interest in CG Idols. That being said, for this series Anna is still my favorite. Although at the rate Mel has been moving up the ranks, I'm not so sure anymore. 

Pastel Memories (1-8)

This series has had a few rough spots. Both episode 1 and 4 were to be honest weak.  While the first episode does serve a purpose the fourth I could have done without. It doesn't help that episode 5 gives us a better version of that type of episode anyway. Still for the most part the series has getting better about handling the parody aspect. Plus episode 7 was was especially good. Granted I might be biased because video games (especially RPGs) and it had two of the best girls in it. Saori and Yuina. Oh and Irina is good too.

The Four Strongest Rank 

Manaria Friends (1-6)  

The relationship between Princess and Dragon (Princess) continues to be an experience on many levels. One of which is heart warming. Anne and Grea have so many great moments together. Plus the show knows how to use its limited run time wisely. Which is good since the episodes are shorter and top of that, we're only getting 10 in total. Unless they announce another season which they better. We need however many seasons it takes for the main goal to be reached. Confession, I almost put this in the previous category, but then I saw episode 6 and was convinced it needed to be here.

Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai (1-7)

I love the cast in general. I enjoy some of the plane scenes and angles used. However what really helps this series is the one true pairing. Kylie and Pancakes? No the other one, Kylie and Chika. I love these two a lot and just seeing them interact  made the show a winner for me. I'm invested in them growing closer. Hopefully to the point of Chika becoming the "pancakes" of Kylie's eyes.

Colorful Pastrale (1-7)

Sure this series has an issue with well physics, but I'm not here for accuracy. I'm here for mermaids. Especially Canon. Canon has been a great protagonist and I love seeing her interact with the other girls. That said, episode 7 just confused my shipping desires more. Canon/Sonata? Canon with other girls as a harem? Canon/Cier? Canon as part of Cier's harem? I both hate and love the show for filling my mind with such thoughts. So yeah, consider this an ultimate example of character bias influencing things.

Star Twinkle Precure (1-4)

The current series is off to a good start. I like some of the changes to the usual formula. Such as them fighting minions instead of monsters of the week. The introduction of each cure has been great so far and I'm confident the fourth will be good too. Definitely looking foward to seeing how things develop over time.  Note, chosen screen shot is because it's the best transformation moment in the series so far.  Lala is good with such faces in general. 

Main Boss Rank 
Grimms Notes(1-7)

The series has over all been quite good. I like how the transformations work. Let's just say there is a lot of breathing room,  I'm fond of fairy tale references and seeing how a given story interpets them. I'm also quite interested in the whole debate over fate. With each episode, we're given a new issue with fate for both the core four and the audience to consider.  Not just the meaning of fate, but what it means to have a role. By far one of my favorite series of the season. Also Shane is our queen!

Bang Dream (1-8)

The series continues to do a good job with its cast size. Sure, I end up wanting some characters to get more focus. However let's not kid ourselves here. For the girls I like best such as Ako, no amount of focus would ever be enough for me. The most recent episodes do fill me with  worry.  The plot threads being set up are the type that can be very frustrating if handled poorly. Hopefully that won't be the case here. I'd hate for the series to fall apart. 

Final Boss Rank 
Aikatsu Friends (1-45)

I love how we're able to see the journey after the destination thanks to events normally saved for the "last minute" having already happened.   Speaking of journeys, while Pure Palette is the main journey, we've also gotten to experience multiple journeys. In general the show has made good use of the best friends aspect and the interaction between pairs. So looking forward to the rest.

True Final Boss Rank 

Endro (1-7)
By far, my favorite series this season. Heck it's even above series that have the advantage of dozens of episodes. I love the Hero's party in general. Yulia, Seira, Mei, and Fai Fai. They all have their charm points.  The Princess with her introduction has made the show even better. How my favorite aspect remains the Demon Lord herself. Mao is such a divine character.  Poor choice of words?

Speaking of Mao, episode 6 just made me love her even more. In fact it might be my favorite episode so far since it fills me with hope  for the future of the series. In the sense that there's a chance  we could get a finale with some heart to it. This is a comedy, but that doesn't mean I can't hope for an ending where things work out. I'd be happy with just an ending where all of them end up bonding.

That covers everything. I decided not to bother discussing series I've dropped. I also neglected to mention Kitaro because at this point it's become a half watched show. Ie some episodes I watch, others I skim. I'll save thoughts on it for later.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Grimms Notes And Fate (1-6)

At the heart of Grimms Notes the Animation is the idea of fate/roles. Every character has a set role that they follow in life save for those with blank books and select other characters. We've seen various views through out the series on the subject of fate. Let's start from the view point of Red Riding Hood herself in the first episode.

The role given to a Red Riding Hood is not a plesant one. It's even worse when you consider the allegory and some early versions of the story. It's something no one should have to go through. And yet we have a girl that is basically being told by fate "deal with it, go through this crap". She even reaches the point of essentially becoming the very thing that's supposed to attack her. That's horrible. The fact it that will keep happening to Reds is even worse.

Next comes Cinderella, we already had established the idea that a role can be passed to another person. However here with the Fairy God Mother, comes the idea that a role can be repeated. Ie she's dealt with multiple Cinderellas and she's been able to see what happens after you close the "book", to see the lie after "heavily after". No single "event" can carry a relationship forever.

Fate is great when it's like "Hey man, you're going to hit the jackpot", but when you're told "You're hitting rock bottom", it's not so great is it? Of course for our protagonists, one issue they run into is because they're without roles, they probably feel a bit lost and jealous. So that might by why they're (especially Ex) have trouble with the idea that a set fate isn't something everyone is going to love.  Where as those like Silver do have to deal with the issue.

And this is where things get cruel and rotten. Fate is literally deciding that a family needs to come to hate each other. That a mother needs to treat her child like trash and the child needs to kill her own mother out of revenge and hatred. There's no way this can be seen as anything positive. It's disgusting which is the point.

While we have the two deny the vicious cycle of Snow White & Queen, the fact the cycle exists and could easily continue if evil is willing enough is another issue with the whole fate thing. While the episode involving these two is one of the best so far, just knowing the potential challenges is depressing. 

Ultimately it feels like the main hopes the characters have is finding a way to work within their role. Ie seeing where they could change things for the better. Perhaps the idea that following "fate" to the letter and trying to completely deny "fate" are both paths that lead to ruin. Or maybe some of these story tellers need to be punched in the face. That could work too.

Grimms Notes is a series with some definite issues, but over all it's been one of the more interesting series for me this series. And the more they expand on the issue of fate the better. Even if this means having to deal with some of the early "Ex Denial" moments in the show.