Monday, August 22, 2005

TP+KF (All Grown Up) or Couple Fans scare me.

In any case apparently KC has decided one of the All Grown Up episodes will involve the Kids finding a heart shaped etching that says TP+KF in Chuckie's basement. Thus given the idea that Tommy likes Kimi more so than first thought. Of course it will probably turn out that TP+KF does not stand for Tommy Pickles+Kimi Finster. Personally if it is not going to stand for them, I hope it stands for something relevant. Like maybe Chuckie has a relative with KF as his/her initials besides Kira and Kimi. Either way this has mixed reactions. Including some that are ready to flame and whine if the result doesn't turn out the way they want. Which is sickening to me. I mean I have my preferences when it comes to any series including this one. However in the end your chance of getting the couple you want is not very high. If anything the most common couple is "No one gets together ever", but that's another story. In any case all I know is that I'm more interested in what happens rather than what I want to happen. Although I'm really hoping they'll start airing the next batch of new episodes in September or at least in October.

Izumo Update

Well the rewatch of Izumo is going well. Just one episode left to see. And it's so far as nice as the err untranslated version indicated. In either case Himiko is still my favorite character in the anime. Even more so now that I understand more of what is going on. Hopefully this will get a decent U.S release. If it ever gets licensed.