Happy Seven the TV Manga

This series is essentially Bishoujo Sentai over all. The idea is that a goup of seven girls and one guy deal with evil spirits. Partially related to bad luck as far as I can tell. Each has of course their own transformation scene. The main female is a girl named Amano who for certain reasons end up meeting up with the seven err eight anyway.
I was interested in this series at first mainly because the girls were cute. However over all it's a lot of fun. The series isn't ground breaking, but it feels well extremely honest. Like it's saying "We're Bishou Sentai and we're proud of it.". I've currently seen up to episode 7 which is the best so far and really increased the show's favor with me.
What's interesting is that when each character transforms his or her demeanor and etc changes. Ie for example Kikunosuke the main male of the series untransformed has a none serious look to him. His eyes are closed and he doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Yet transformed, his eyes are fully opened and of course he seems to have a tougher look to him. I kind of like this aspect because it makes the transformation(s) in this series go beyond simple costume changes.