As a good way of testing out my blog, I'll speak a little bit about this series. Now mind you I've been watching it untranslated and relying on
for summaries of the episodes. So I can't really get into details. However before that the above image is of Anri Misugi if you need to ask.
In any case I have to say I absolutely love this series. Now let's go through a few things. This series was deemed as "terrible" before it even aired. Due to the younger designs and the fact it wasn't going to be a clone of Magical Project S or Pretty Sammy OVA. To that I say good.
Granted I love Magical Project S although the OVA was meh. In fact I'd love to see more MPS. However that's only if it's going to be a second season. If they are going to start yet another alternate universe. Which SMGC is. Then I say they may as well actually make it different and not just rehash things again.
In this way we get a nice change of pace. Instead of just Sasami and Misao, we get three other girls added to the mix. Tsukasa, Makato and my current favorite Anri herself. I like her in let's just say multiple ways. Misao actually gets a role besides being a depressed tool of someone else. If anything it's good there is no Pixy Misa in this series because she'd over shadow everyone.
One thing to note is this. The series seems to be less about being a magical girl, but rather instead about learning to be a magical girl. Rather than start off in the first episode "transformed" and destroying "love hating" demons of darkness. Instead Sasami eventually along with the other girls become part of a club to get guidance from Washu in terms of their magical abilities.
I do worry how the series will end. Especially given that there are only three episodes left and there is a chance they may try to bite off more than they can chew in the remaining three episodes. However if they manage to keep things focused and let the conclusion be something reasonable in context. This will turn out to be one of my favorite series of this season.