Saturday, December 17, 2005

Grandia, La Pucelle Tactics and Backlogs of EVIL

After putting the game off for years literally I finally finished Grandia. Yeah it's silly, but work with me here. Over all the game was decent. Not great mind you but decent. The battle system was rather nice. I also liked the cast of characters. I just wish the game was less "linear" and there was more Sue in the game. Okay more Sue and Leite. Since those two were my favorite in the game. I'll decide who I like better later. Also I've started on La Pucelle Tactics. What can I say? I've wanted to play that game for awhile. What can I say? I sort of liked Rhapsody. Disgaea was nice. I also liked Phantom Brave. So go figure I'd want to try La Pucelle Tactics. So far I like the game, but like Disgaea and Phantom Brave it will probably have a lot of focus on stats which can get tedious. Although in the end it's all about Prier. She's awesome. Nothing like hearing her say "Repent", "You suck", "Confess", and etc. Either way I definitely have a decent size back log of games to complete and/or ultimately decide to never finish. Thousand Arms, Suikoden, Grandia 2, Romancing SaGa (5 Quests Left), Lunar 1, Lunar 2, Evolution 2, Wild Arms, Wild Arms 3, Dragon Quest 8, Xenogears, Xenosaga 2 and a bunch of other stuff. Problem is motivating myself to play certain games and I reply some stuff too much. Heh the back log is only going to get larger.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Happy 7 is officially awesome

Yeah that's right. Episode 10 just confirms it for me. Amano has been a refeshing change of pace among main magical girls. Often the main magical girl of the series will transform during the first episode. She may have problems at first, but eventually she gets thing settled and starts murdering by the second or third episode. Yet Amano is different. Sure she has some special power. Yes it was obvious she would eventually transform. However she didn't just transform right off the bat. Instead she played the role of the side girl to the magical girl(s). Granted Amano is still the main, but the point is for all purpose for several episodes she was more like the side kick. So through out the series I've been waiting for her to transform to turn the group into Happy 8 or should I say Crazy 8? The show did what I expected and threw me for a loop. Yes Amano does transform, but she's not a member of Happy 7. She's a member (leader) of Lucky 3! Her two best friends Nene and Mimi are also part of the group. It's like Amano and her best friends are your average side characters in Mahou Shoujo wanting a piece of the action. Of course Kikunosuke who is clearly jealous of Lucky 3 if you ask me. Well he has to be. Yeah erase the memory of your competition why don't you? Heh then again Happy 7 was kind of schocked over it too. So maybe they're also jealous. Still I love Lucky 3 and hope the blink is a sign they didn't lose their memory. Besides Amano is the main female and she has to fight in the final battle. So she may as well bring her allies along for the ride. Heh so three episodes remain before the series. So the only thing left is finding out more about Kokuanten, hoping Lucky 3 appears again, hoping for a flowing full henshin scene. As well as of course seeing the brat's true power and true form. Yeah I'm certain that brat as I like to call the main villain has a true form.